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School of Alternative Learning Settings (SALS)

The School of Alternative Learning Settings (SALS) is one of seven Statewide Services Specialist Schools that operate within every education region around the state of Western Australia. We currently operate 12 individual sites around the state including 4 in the metropolitan area.

The SALS provides alternative learning facilities and targeted support programs for students who have been excluded from a public school or who are at risk of exclusion due to violent and/or aggressive behaviour.

As a short-term intensive program, students attend via a Section 24, Alternate Attendance Arrangement from their enrolled school for a discrete period of time.

Our program and facilities deliver a specialised learning program that builds students social skills and self-regulation to better understand themselves and their behavioural responses. We aim to equip students with the social and emotional skills they need to re-engage with education and/or a post school pathway.

Our program aims to:

  • Discover and leverage student strengths
  • Activate student’s self-belief
  • Support students to realise their potential

We work with students and families to identify support needs and assist families to connect with appropriate supports in their community.

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School of Alternative Learning Settings (SALS)